DataTables adding rows in DataTables is done by assigning the DataTables jQuery object to a variable when initialising it, and then using it's API methods to add a new row. Deleting rows can be done in a similar manner.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 |
/* Global variable for the DataTables object */ var oTable; /* Global var for counter */ var giCount = 2; $(document).ready(function() { oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); } ); function fnClickAddRow() { oTable.fnAddData( [ giCount+".1", giCount+".2", giCount+".3", giCount+".4" ] ); giCount++; }
Please refer to the DataTables documentation for full information about its API properties and methods.