DataTables Extras Read Me DataTables is an a very extensible program and can be enhanced in a number of ways. A number of examples which can be used have been included in this distribution and make it quick and easy for you, the developer, to add advanced interactions to your tables. Each plug-in for DataTables included examples of how they can be used, and their configuration options. FixedHeader: When you have a large amount of data in a table, which can easily cause scrolling, it can be useful for the end user to have the column headers 'fixed' at the top of the browser window. This is exactly what FixedHeader achieves. With the v2 release, the name FixedHeader is actually a bit of a misnomer since you can 'fix' more than just the header to the table. It is also possible to fix the footer, the left most column and the right most. Each can be enabled/disabled separately, with only the header being enabled by default. FixedHeader will work as a standalone component with basic HTML tables, or integrate smoothly with DataTables. For more information, please see: - The examples included - The online forum: KeyTable: Advanced table interaction with an HTML table can greatly enhance an browser based application or tool, but often they can lack accessibility. KeyTable will add 'Excel' like spreadsheet navigation to a table, where a single cell is focused on and can be moved by using the mouse of keyboard. Events can be assigned to cells, rows and columns to perform actions (a common example is editing a cell's content). KeyTable will work as a standalone component with basic HTML tables, or integrate smoothly with DataTables. For more information, please see: - The examples included - Documentation: - The online forum: TableTools: TableTools offers various export options for a table. It will add a small toolbar around the table (you specify where using sDom and CSS) which has the ability to export the information in the table to CSV, Excel, or copy it to the clipboard. It can also offer a 'print view' of the table which will show all records in an easily printable format. For more information, please see: - The examples included - The online forum: